Tag: dysphagia

What is Dysphagia?: Swallowing Difficulties and Quality of Life

How would your life change if you could no longer enjoy your morning coffee, or share a roast dinner with your family? Swallowing difficulties can be life changing, but the good news is that there are supportive and experienced Speech Pathologists out there who can provide quality individualised support. Our Speech Pathologists can offer clinical […]

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Reduce Mealtime Stress with Dysphagia Training for Carers

Practical Dysphagia Training for Carers Do you care for a loved one with swallowing difficulties? Or perhaps you have swallowing difficulties, and you’d like something to help the carers in your life understand what you are experiencing and how they can best support you to have safe and enjoyable mealtimes. Dysphagia, the clinical term for […]

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5 Signs You Would Benefit From Dysphagia Training for Family Members

Do you care for a loved one with swallowing difficulties? Or perhaps you have swallowing difficulties, and want to find a way for your spouse or family members to learn more about the swallowing changes you are experiencing and the support or accommodations you need when dining together. Dysphagia training for family members is a […]

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